Coming back to life
Life can be unpredictable. At times it can push you to your limits, or well over them. Perhaps your job has taken everything out of you. Perhaps you experienced a shock. Perhaps you were overburdened by a family situation, or a sudden health crisis.
Often several things come together and leave us empty, exhausted and full of anxiety how to carry on. This can be a very lonely place.
In this workshop we will look at how to make sense of such an experience.
We will try to harvest the fall.
What has your body been trying to tell you? Is there a message from your soul?
Could this crisis be a turning point for the better?
This workshop will offer you a holistic toolkit to support your physical, spiritual and emotional health through simple steps.
You will learn:
- The Five Element theory - the foundation of Traditional Chinese medicine and see what an incredible map it is to both understanding your physical and emotional symptoms, as well as how to heal them. The Five Elements offer very specific dietary and life style recommendations.
- The Emotional Freedom Technique - EFT is a simple and effective technique that can decidedly help you to center and ground, thereby delivering relaxation and improved health with remarkable speed. The theory behind EFT is that negative emotions are caused by disturbances in the body's energy system. By tapping certain acupuncture points on the meridian system with your fingertips, it removes these disruptions caused by stress, trauma or other negative influences. You can then easily let go of negative thinking.
- Share your joy and anguish for this world in rituals and group exercises based on Joanna Macy's Work that Reconnects.
Everyone gets hurt and sometimes we need help to move past these wounds. The aim of the workshop is to provide you with both the practical tools and theoretical understanding that can help you place your fear, anger and sadness into a concrete healing context, so that you are able to move on.
Passed session
Session 1: Wednesday 18 December 2024 - OWC Antwerp