East West Centre organizes courses ranging from shamanism, movement medicine and open floor to reiki, massage, emotional freedom technique, a course in miracles, Alexander technique, and more. Feeling healthy, whole and connected is what our courses are about.
Let go of limiting beliefs and discover the freedom of dance! Over this weekend, through 5Rhythms and Open Floor, we’ll explore how to release the idea that something is “wrong” with ourselves or the world. Joy, curiosity, and freedom take center stage. All are welcome, no experience needed!
Advanced massage workshop focusing on deep tissue techniques for the legs, hips, and feet. Learn effective techniques for muscle groups like quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. Sign up for his course on April 26th as well and receive a combo discount.
Movement Medicine workshops (Ben Yeger, David Mooney, Yasia Leiserach, Rosie Perks), Already Alright (Sue Rickards), Shamanic training (Frank & Kathy Coppieters), Reiki (Frank & Kathy), Open Floor workshops (Cathy Ryan), advanced deep tissue massage workshops (Brian Utting), Energy of Nature (Claire Elouard), EFT and natural healing (Irene Nolte), and more
East West Centre wants to contribute to health and resilience in people and nature : healthy people in a healthy world. Working from a holistic perspective we inspire and connect people through courses about natural health and sustainable living.