Circular is a simple and very specific breathing technique to expand and increase the individual's awareness.
Before rolling out the innumerable benefits, it is useful to clarify what we mean by awareness. The meaning of this word indicates being conscious, being aware of something. Being aware of these lines we are reading, being aware of our feet, we are aware of our feet.
There are two nuances. The first is being aware of oneself: to know ourselves for real, to know what our existential ends are, our qualities, our excellences, the values on which we base our lives, to know our direction, what kind of relationships we want to build... Living with awareness reduces and eliminates doubts, fades dissatisfaction, because each person's truth can emerge and reveal itself. One has never seen a tree listless or timid in being fully grown and blossoming. Can we say the same of human beings? Sometimes we remain unexpressed or partially expressed seeds. It is a shame to deprive ourselves, life and others of all the flowers and fruit we could give.
Moreover, the second nuance of being aware, growing as individuals allows one to live fully: we instead live half-heartedly, often less than half-heartedly. We are not aware of many things, even now, we are not aware of the little finger on our right foot, the breadth of our breath and many physical sensations: temperature, hunger, thirst, comfortable or uncomfortable position, and so much goes on in the mind and we are very little aware of. It is precisely for this reason that we often suffer it, instead of leading it, without having full clarity the full satisfaction of our actions and our days. Why do we quarrel with those we love the most? Why do we eat more than the body needs? Why do we trap ourselves in situations and relationships that cause us suffering?
Circular Breathing allows a myriad of benefits:
- It deeply cleanses the body the mind and the emotional sphere bringing the person back to a better balance and a more solid harmony;
- Allows deep physical and mental relaxation,
- Improves the quality of sleep and digestion,
- Brings greater centredness and clarity,
- It re-establishes an inner balance between body, mind and conscious individual by restoring the alliance between the three
- Lets go of anxiety, stress and daily tensions
- Recovers vital energy by making it available in the body and mind, making them more efficient and enabling us to face life with renewed enthusiasm!
Dr Andrea Michielan has organised a free zoom conference open to everyone on 23 August at 20.00 in Antwerp. The meeting has two aims: to deepen together and clarify topics such as awareness, the mind, unconscious conditionings, life energy and much more, and also to give the opportunity to experience this directly in the Antwerp workshop at the end of September/October.