Tips from Irene Nolte
Here is a list of things that can support your immunity. It goes without saying that I do not imply that this list is complete, you surely know a lot more things you can do, nor do we imply that these tips give you full protection.
1. Have fun- do something you enjoy at least three times a week. Make sure that you enjoy your life! A single pleasurable experience can boost your immune system for as much as two days, according to research conducted by Dr. Arthur Stone, psychologist of State University NY.
2. Avoid sugar and artificial sweeteners that cause an inflammatory cascade. Inflammation is an immune reaction to disease causing agents found in your system. By robbing the body of minerals, sugar and processed food raise the acid levels of your blood, which makes it more susceptible to disease.
3. Eat leafy green vegetables every day (eg. broccoli, bok choi, kale, spring onions, Brussels sprouts, parsley etc) as they boost the health of your liver and your immune system in general.
4. Have a miso soup every day - nothing but a small miso soup to alkalize your blood and your intestines, the best way to protect against pathogens!
5. In terms of food supplements, it might be an idea to take a zinc supplement, as well as vitamin D3 with K2, as well as vitamin C. You can take these when you feel exhausted or are starting a bit of a cold, or take them for longer periods just for immune strengthening.
6. In case you are feeling a little low, or have a cold, make sure to drink a lemon tea with freshly grated ginger in it- a great way to clear your lungs.
7. Reduce or stop all dairy products throughout the autumn and winter- as milk products might congest your respiratory system, as well as your intestines. You want to keep both in great shape throughout the winter!
8. Eat cooked grains, such as rice, amaranth, quinoa, millet, buckwheat as often as possible. They ground your nervous system and elevate serotonin levels, thereby promoting immune boosting optimism.
9. Exercise- and this can be gentle exercise such as a nice walk or qi gong, as long as it makes you breathe deeply and sweat a tiny bit. The deeper you breathe and the more you sweat, the more pathogens you will eliminate from your body.
10. Keep a journal and write about your feelings. Take the fall and winter to get in touch with your inner life. Purge your anger on the page, feel your sadness, experience compassion for yourself and allow yourself to dream.
11. Set a number of small achievable and fun goals. Something you have been wanting to do for a long time and – that give you joy!! Try to meet one goal a week.