Frank and Kathy have been studying A Course in Miracles since 1990 and the very first time Frank offered a workshop in Orval (in 2000) was an in-depth approach of this spiritual masterpiece which contains many new insights on the level of relating to oneself and to one another. As a book the Course was first published in 1976 and 24 years later the excellent Dutch translation was finally ready. Even though the vocabulary of the Course is Christian its metaphysics is more strongly connected to the insights of Eastern mysticism.
How the Course came into being is very unusual. It is undoubtedly the clearest and purest example of direct "channeling". The immediate context in which the Course came forth was the intensity of relational issues within the Psychology Department of Columbia University (New York).
The Course uses a lot of perception and observation exercises and also teaches how to hear the voice of the inner teacher, how to let go of conflict, how to work with forgiveness, and how to restore the unification with the divine. A deep healing always takes place by absorbing and applying the messages of the Course. Many people consider the Course as one of the most important spiritual documents of our time. Because of the nature of its thought system a residential retreat opportunity like Orval is perfect to get deeper experiential access.
Kathy and Frank will make sure that the sacred aspect of the Course will be matched by humor and a very relaxed atmosphere.
Here is a quote from the Course:
"The world I see holds my fearful self-image in place, and guarantees its continuance. While I see the world as I see it now, truth cannot enter my awareness. I would let the door behind this world be opened for me, that I may look past it to the world that reflects the Love of God."
Whether you already know the Course or not does not matter. Everyone is welcome. A willingness to allow miracles to take place is recommended!
This class will be taught in Dutch by Frank and in English by Kathy (with Dutch translation when needed).