Finding Ease in Movement, Sound and Breath
Discovering the unique intuition of your body and mind with Alexander Technique
Martha Graham once said: "There's a life force, an energy, translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep the channel open."
Freely breathing is the key and foundation to a healthy life, yet at times we may struggle to find this freedom. In living, in aging, and especially in staying healthy during this pandemic, breathing more from our back and more fully in our entire being can be a real gift. Come explore how to have more flexibility and ease in your breath.
The evening sessions will have a more relaxing effect and Sunday morning sessions are more about awakening the energy within you.
With the tools of Alexander Technique, soothing movements (like yin yoga or tai-chi) and natural sounding, this workshop will help free the breath, find more space and ease in the mind and body and help unblock whatever may be in your way.
During this unusual time, we're all asked to dig deeper in ourselves to find greater creativity, spontaneity and inventiveness. Many of us feel stressed with changes in our work, family life and the nature of well everything. Essential to be 'good friends' with our own being, and healthy, positive and centering thoughts and actions are crucial in boosting our immune systems.
Working online is different. Yet, it offers a unique chance of learning to give sweeter attention to ourselves. To listen, attune and observe even deeper can be surprisingly powerful. Such a workshop offers a pathway to becoming more aware and playful. Not having to get anything right whileexploring dynamics of taking up space and expanding ourselves in sound and movement can be incredibly liberating! Plus in this isolating time, we can find connections with others in an online workshop, even if it is different. It still can provide emotional support and community.
The Alexander Technique is a tantalizing and delightful journey to transform the way we use ourselves to find greater ease in whatever the activity. Come join Deborah and explore in a relaxed, fun and non-judgmental, stimulating atmosphere. Whether you wish to sing, speak or dance with more ease and feel you are holding back, or if you'd like to be more present in your daily life, if you'd like to unlock the mystery of your being, this workshop can help awaken you. Each day is a new beginning in learning to trust something deeper than perhaps we've ever known.