4-day residential workshop in Orval (southern Belgium)
Tending the wild blooms of grief
Ashes and Blossom is an invitation to dance into the places of heartbreak and welcome the life force waiting there. We may then blossom into a deeper understanding of who we are and what really matters to us that grief can illuminate.
With all we have been living in at this time it seems we are carrying a lot of shock and grief in our systems right now. As a resource in this we will use the tools and practices of Movement Medicine to open the door to grief as an ally. To create safety and permission in connection with others, thereby giving some breath to the stories in our broken hearts. Experience with many groups shows that when we allow this what we find is a stepping closer to our true nature and a clarifying of what really matters to us.
Dance is amazing for working with intense emotions. The awake, moving body creates a strong, safe and versatile vessel for the heart, in which we can evolve, rather than be overwhelmed by what we feel. We will dance with the Movement Medicine archetypes and Chambers of the Heart maps to resource ourselves. Strengthening and leaning into the support of human connection, we will welcome, express and share what is needed, enabling us to catch sight of the wild blooms in our grief.
We will also draw on Processwork, sound, creative expression/reflection and intentional focus to clarify our understanding and nurture any emerging buds. The seed and soil of this work lives in Rosie's own journey with loss and heartbreak. The workshops and courses offered have been developed in the rich humus of personal experience, alongside working with both groups and individuals (online and in person) to support them in navigating their grief landscapes. Read more here.
Residential Retreat Programme: These longer residential settings will enable us to explore more fully each stage of this journey. Giving time for being together, integration and the gathering of our individual and collective blossoms. This is precious time in dancing community to learn about ourselves, each other and tend our connection to all that gives and supports life, including our grief.
Prerequisites: This group is open to all who feel they might benefit from it. It is however important that you be willing and able to take full responsibility for your own physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing during and after the retreat. This includes a commitment to ensuring you have support systems in place if needed.
Workshop venue: eco-friendly centre la ferme du Bois-le-Comte
La ferme du Bois-le-Comte is an eco-friendly venue for groups in the South of Belgium (close to the French border and at a 20-minute walk from the famous abbey of Orval). Superb position in the midst of nature. All meals are plant-based.