Connective tissue massage course in Antwerp, 1 day, in English
An intensive course for massage practitioners. You will learn a very precise and powerful massage technique for menstrual pain, migraine, asthma and intestinal cramps.
Connective tissue massage (CTM), or Bindegewebsmassage is a precise and elegant way to work with the body's dermatomes and automatic reflexes to induce autonomic changes in corresponding organs. The technique was developed in Germany by Elizabeth Dicke and is widely distributed in Europe. CTM is very powerful although it may seem subtle at first glance.
Starting from the sacrum, specific areas of skin are touched with a stroking pressure motion in a precise, orchestrated manner that can 'entice' the body to respond as if specific organs or organ systems are being massaged. In response, the blood vessels in the organ in question expand and the loose muscle tissue relaxes. Connective tissue massage is very effective in the case of menstrual cramps, in more than 90% of cases the symptoms disappear or diminish. The symptoms can also be reduced in migraine, asthma and intestinal cramps. In addition, CTM can subtly affect the fascia layers (especially the attachments in the subcutaneous layer) to increase movement and flexibility and reduce pain or tingling from tense tissue.
A handful of clinical trials have shown that CTM has beneficial effects in pain reduction, depression reduction, quality of life improvement and moderate short-term increase in beta-endorphins. These tests corroborate anecdotal observations from clinical physicians who state that CTM often produces “near immediate relief of visceral or myofascial pain as well as general relaxation.“ (Prendergast & Rummer, 2012)
What will you learn?
In this lesson you will learn the “basic build-up“, which mainly focuses on the area of the sacrum and pelvis and the corresponding organs, and the “first follow-up”, which focuses on the low back and rib cage. The technique is usually performed sitting.
Click here to see an article that Brian wrote about Bindegewebsmassage for a conference in New Zealand.
This workshop is given in English, with occasional translation into Dutch (not everything can be translated into Dutch, only a word or a sentence here and there, so basic knowledge of English is necessary).
This is a very intensive massage course, you will receive a lot of information in a short time and you will learn many new techniques. Experience with massage (shiatsu, foot reflexology, craniosacral therapy, ...) and/or basic knowledge of anatomy is therefore recommended.
"That the viscero-cutaneous reflex interconnection is reversible, that is to say, that it not only leads from the internal organs to the skin, but vice versa, is a long-established fact. One of the most elegant and fundamental systems, which conforms almost flawlessly to the workings of the segmental reflexes, is connective tissue massage as prescribed by Dicke." - Hans Schliack, MD
"It's fantastic to have new tools to treat migraines and menstrual pain, and give ease to an often 'stuck' area". - Rachael Brown
Contact us, we will be happy to help you.
Brian Utting will facilitate an other workshops in Antwerp: Visceral and abdominal massage. There is a 10% discount when you register for the 2 workshops (= 144 EUR per workshop).