In this two hour workshop, we'll use EFT to specifically address any issues that might arise through burnout.
We'll tap on symptoms such as fatigue, anxiety, the feeling of loneliness or any other symptoms, physical or other you might experience. It is an interactive class, so you can ask your questions and make requests.
In this sense EFT is a first aid kit for modern days! It consists in tapping a sequence of acupuncture points and thereby clearing blockages- unpleasant memories and issues- this is why it is also called emotional acupuncture. (For a more detailed description on EFT please click here).
It can help you gain calm and clarity, by instantly addressing unpleasant thoughts and feelings such as stress, anxiety or fatigue. Furthermore, it is an invaluable tool in clearing old unwanted ‚“baggage‚”, that weighs you down unnecessarily and thereby impacts your emotional and physical health.
Our belief system is shaped by our life experiences. Sometimes few, but very decisive negative events can build a false perception of who we are. This can be such a reduced and narrow image, fueled by self-criticism, which limits and holds us back in life. As a result, based on this negative self-image, we end up not applying for that position, we don't give that talk, or we don't pursue the relationship or career we were always dreaming of. However, there is a way out- it's possible to have autonomy from your past. By tapping the past or present unpleasant feelings, EFT can be a hugely useful too to move on and create the life you want!