courage, compassion, curiosity, connection
move, release, refill & access the support of human connection
Being with and allowing ourselves to feel all that is moving in our hearts, then to find the compassion and care within this, is a true warrior task in these times.
This will be an opportunity to digest and move with all we have been in and are still with.
Through exploring the light and shadow of the elemental heart maps, learning to soften any edges, understand ourselves better and strengthen our resources there:
- Earth & Awakening - the instinct of the heart in the awake, alert, eyes open body.
- Fire & Integrity - the muscle of the heart, protection, courage and commitment.
- Water & Surrender - trusting and letting go into the river of our heart.
- Air & Gratitude - welcoming the heartÕs natural joy, generosity and curiosity.
- Grace & Ether - the place of radical inclusion, we move, in simplicity, with the crunchy and the smooth.
We will also visit with the Movement Medicine Archetypes, these can help us access archetypal support that is much broader than the sum of our personal histories. Asking these to resource your innate ability to move with whatever life presents; your trust and acceptance in who you are; the yin and yang of care taking yourself; and the lightness to be curious and find the freedom and creativity available in each moment.
As always with these in person weekends - this is precious time to revive ourselves in the strong arms of the dance and the love of a human dancing village. So we can re-enter the world and our communities better equipped to support that which brings life, connection and kindness.
Everyone is welcome!
No previous experience needed. Newcomers very welcome!