Relation Ship, an Open Floor Trypth with Cathy Ryan, in Orval (southern Belgium)
This tryptch of three connected workshops will expand and deepen the exploration of the content of Libido Fundamentals
in a wider context and ongoing study of relationship. We will take a different focus in each module on our innate capacity for
relationship with each other, in its mystery, difficulty and magic.
We will journey into our capacity to embody and feel a sense of intimacy, our capacity to inhabit the innocence and power of
our Libidic energy – looking at our life force, gender, sex and sexual energy – and our capacity for moments of true presence
and being.
The first weekend will focus on Intimacy – what is it? What is the emotional intelligence available to us here? What are the ways
we can embody an alive, vulnerable, open and powerful sense of ourselves in relation to others? We will open up the window of
how our gender and our biological identity contribute to our sense of ourselves in relationship – with self and others…
The second weekend will focus on Libido Fundamentals II, an expansion and deepening of some of the ground covered in
Libido Fundamentals: The movement of our sexual response cycle and creative life force. How do we ground and embody this
primal energy that is every person’s birth right? How do we embody our extraordinary minds full of stories, longing, dreams and
memories around our Libido?
The third weekend will see us entering further the exploration of being present in relationship – to ourselves, each other and the
wider field of our communities and our sense of Spirit.
As we set sail together we will use the map of the Open Floor Movement Practice, opening up the 4 dimensions of embodiment
on our journey – Physical, Emotional, Mind and Soul. An exploration of the 4 relational Hungers of Solitude, Connection,
Belonging and Spirit will thread their way through each weekend and we will work with the Window of Presence throughout,
mapping and gauging when it can become difficult to stay present with ourselves.
This work offers deep exploration of parts of who we are as humans, opening up possibilities for change, acceptance and
moments of deep joy and gratitude for being alive. Prepare for all kinds of weather on our ship! Chances are you’ll be in
excellent company with a fine map to help steer us through what may come our way…
Cathy has been working with conscious movement practices for 30 years.
For more details on her work see www.humans-being.co.uk and www.openfloor.org
Workshop venue: la ferme du Bois-le-Comte
La ferme du Bois-le-Comte is an eco-friendly venue for groups in the South of Belgium (close to the French border and at a 20-minute walk from the famous abbey of Orval). Superb position in the midst of nature. All meals are plant-based.