The great seers of East and West understood that the frequencies associated with your name and day of birth correspond to a unique set of numbers. Those numbers reveal a great deal about the nature of your being, your talents, special abilities, the cycles of your life, the challenges you will face, and the great lessons you wish to learn in this life. The numbers serve as a guide to help you navigate challenge, succeed in life, and evolve as a spiritual being.
Rudolf Steiner and the Greek philosopher and mathematician, Pythagoras, were among those great seers who recognized the cycles of life and some of the specific challenges and opportunities implicit within them.
Tom Monte’s program will provide you with your own unique numerology chart; he will show you many of your chart's remarkable revelations and insights into your deeper nature. He will reveal the meaning and purpose of specific cycles of your life, and the numbers and meaning associated with every year within those cycles. Those numbers reveal specific opportunities, lessons, and challenges you will face during those cycles and individual years, and how you can succeed during those periods.
Tom will show you the deeper psychological and spiritual lessons associated with the major periods of your life, and how these periods are intended to bring forth specific abilities, talents, and virtues to make you a more whole, healthy, and fulfilled human being.
All of this and more will be provided in this one-day workshop.