Movement as Medicine to Remember & Restore
An invitation to find refuge in the arms of the dance and the love of a dancing village. To offer and receive care and nourishment at this time, so our moving beings find enough safety to surrender to what is true, individually and collectively. Thereby increasing our capacity to drink from the wellspring of life and connection.
Working with Movement Medicine practices to orient ourselves and find support for our human challenges. We will take time to arrive in our awake bodies, giving ourselves over to their innate intelligence, thereby making space for our hearts to breathe. Resourcing our intrinsic ability to move with whatever life presents; our trust and acceptance in who we are; the yin and yang of care taking ourselves; and the lightness to be curious and find the freedom and creativity available in each moment.
We will also draw on Processwork, creative expression/reflection and intentional focus to clarify, remember and restore what matters to us. This is precious time in dancing community to learn together and lean into the support of human connection; much needed for many of us in these uncertain and stretching times.
Dance is a remarkably efficient tool for processing our experiences, traversing our emotions, and understanding ourselves better. This trauma informed practice supports us to explore our humanity with compassion, creativity and curiosity.
The Friday evening will include some of the fundamental practices of Movement Medicine that will support us to arrive and land in the dance before diving into the weekend on Saturday.
Here is a little video.