A combination of 5Rhythms ™ and Systemic Ritual®
5Rhythms is a dynamic and expressive movement practice that opens the way for growth and healing. We’ll dance all the 5rhythms but the emphasis will be on flowing and lyrical.
Besides 5Rhythms we’ll use SystemicRitual Constellation work that gives you information of your place in the web of life.
Flowing calls us home in our earthy bodies. It teaches us about continuum, ongoing movements coming from the feet, in connection with the path we go. Through gravity and the sensory system in the feet we connect with the ancient wisdom of the earth and with the generations that travelled before us. What wisdom does your body carry? There are movements speaking through you that also spoke through your ancestors.
With the support of your roots you can rise up and expand your possibilities in the here and now. Stand fully in the lineage of your ancestors.
Lyrical breathes in the element air. It comes in and out through your arms and fingers, it is light, playful, adventurous and it whispers to us about magic and soul. Unfold your Wings! Let them grow from your shoulder blades, expanding all the way through your arms into your fingertips. Reaching further then the physical boundary, beyond the visible. Touching air, sky. Opening the space in front of you. Where do you go? Let your dreams and visions take you on a lifelong dance.
Willemijn de Dreu has 25 years of experience in guiding people in dance to more freedom and peace. She’s trained in 5Rhythms, OpenFloor, Systemic Ritual and Body-oriented trauma therapy. This combination creates a magical weaving on the dance floor between the spirit world and the every day, from an embodied wisdom.
Website: willemijndedreu.com
Everyone welcome!
Workshop venue: la ferme du Bois-le-Comte
La ferme du Bois-le-Comte is an eco-friendly venue for groups in the South of Belgium (close to the French border and at a 20-minute walk from the famous abbey of Orval). Superb position in the midst of nature. All meals are plant-based.