Two-day workshop in Antwerp
We will use shamanic dance meditation (Movement Medicine) and the 4 elements for self-healing. Through the dance, we will discover which is our personal "home element" which nourishes us, and which is our "challenge element" which provides us with obstacles. We will take time to consider how you can integrate & apply our discoveries many ways.
The deep winter is a perfect time for personal self-reflection, and refining of our intentions for the coming year. The purpose of this workshop is to develop a personal embodied relationship with the elements of nature, which equips us to use this knowledge as a resource for self-healing, in the widest sense of developing our strengths and giving supportive attention to our weaknesses. Through robust and vibrant personal health, we can bring the best of our personal gifts into the world. The world needs everyone!
We will apply the particular configuration of the 4 elements as in the Movement Medicine Mandala; and we'll consider how this model relates to other different 4- and 5-element systems. Through the dance, we will discover which is our personal "home element" which reliably nourishes us, and which is our "challenge element" which regularly provides us with obstacles and opportunities to grow. We will work with a particular sequence of elements which represents the earth's seasons of growth and decay. The repetition of this motif is very helpful in revealing our personal strengths and weaknesses. Be prepared for surprises when you entrust your dancer with this inquiry - even if you have studied and used this knowledge of elements for a long time. We will take time to consider how you can integrate & apply your discoveries many ways, including nutrition, activities & personal relationships. On the second day (Sunday), we will include a Ritual Dance Space, to give our "dreaming attention" to our projects for this new year, and ask ourselves how the elements will best support the success of our intentions.