The four primary aspects of this program are as follows:
Each of us is blessed with immense talents, unique abilities, and infinite potential. Yet, much of that talent and potential remains hidden and inaccessible, largely because we react to challenging circumstances with the same fear-based, defensive patterns. This, of course, recreates our all-too- familiar limitations and outcomes.
In the 2021 Healers Program, we will identify the patterns that hold us back. More important, I will show you a step-by-step process that will bring forth a new and more effective version of yourself, one that is a more grounded, more powerful, more resourceful, wiser, more loving, and more deeply connected human being.
That evolved being is you — you in the next phase of your evolution. Your potential self awaits the moment when you start behaving differently in the face of stress and fear. Those new behaviors allow the potential you to come into being.
In this program, we will focus deeply on a specific process (a set of steps) that can change how you behave in the face of challenge, and thus allow the more evolved you to emerge and reshape your life.
Your evolution is directly tied to how you approach challenges or problems.
If the first thing you do is attempt to change another person, or a situation, you very likely will repeat an old pattern that results in dissatisfaction or failure. Why? Because your current ways of thinking and behaving cannot solve the problems you face. They can only create new versions of the same problems.
Problems are opportunities to see ourselves more clearly, to explore more deeply our inner lives, and to see our fear-based thinking and behavior.
This program will reveal a new way of responding to challenge, one that does not act from fear or anger, but rather from a greater intelligence within you, a state of Awareness. By practicing Awareness, you observe your fear-based patterns and their consequences on your life. At the same time, you begin to perceive and practice other ways of responding to challenge. You are guided through a new problem-solving process. In the course of that unfolding experience, you are transformed into the more evolved being that already exists within you.
Once the evolved you emerges, the solution arrives of itself, simply because the evolved you and the answer you seek are resonant with each other. In short, the evolved you finds your current problem easy to solve.
The evolved you responds differently to life, which is why it leads you to a more fulfilling and happier life.
People who work together in compassion are joined by a Field of Awareness that elevates us all to higher states of consciousness, speeding our capacity to learn, evolve, and experience inner states of which we are currently unaware.
The Field of Awareness not only guides us individually, but holds the group in a web of love and healing energy.
There is an enormous and growing body of science to prove these statements. We will investigate that science, not purely from an academic perspective, but in ways that help us experience more deeply this Field of Awareness, the richness of our inner lives, and the gifts the inner world offers us.
Among the amazing truths about the power of the Field is that as one or more people grow within the Field, the entire group advances in understanding, evolution, and power. One person’s leap is the entire group’s leap. (I will report some of the fascinating research that supports this fact.)
Our healing and evolution are speeded up by sharing our challenges, struggles, and triumphs in a compassionate, loving, and non-judgmental environment. We will offer more time in breakout rooms to allow group members to express whatever may be going on for them, and experience support from other members of our group.
We will learn how to utilize the powers of the Field of Awareness to support the growth of all our of group members.
All groups that seek to elevate consciousness have a responsibility to support the human family in our mutual struggle to achieve greater Awareness, greater freedom, and a deeper compassion and love for each other.
In the 2021 Healers Program, we will work together to direct our collective energies toward transforming challenging situations, obstacles, and conflicts that exist in our individual lives, and in the lives of all our brothers and sisters on the planet. When possible, we will endeavor to join with other groups in prayer and meditation to affect a transformation of the human race.
May all sentient beings, no matter how small or great, experience a greater communion with the Field of Awareness, which is bringing all of us to a state of Unity and compassion for each other.
Throughout the program, we will direct the higher frequencies of our evolved selves to the dream of a healthier, more understanding, and peaceful world.
These are the primary themes of the program, but as you know the Healers Program is a journey into the mysteries of the inner life. Many other themes will be explored, and all of it is done with the intention of helping us all experience a greater healing. Together, we create an environment that is open, compassionate, and non-judgmental. That is the basis for opening the heart, and for experiencing greater Love and healing.
Each module begins at 7 p.m. on Friday evening and continues until between 9 and 9:30 p.m., CET (= Belgian time). (Sometimes we go a little over. Of course, you are free to leave the Zoom room whenever you choose.)
For those who would like to participate, we do Do-In (an ancient form of exercise and self-massage) at 6:30, just before the module begins.
The dates for the eight modules are as follows: February 19, March 5, March 19, April 2, April 16, April 30, May 14, May 28.
Tom Monte's colleague and friend, Tom Kelley, will facilitate an optional Zoom call between each module. These calls will offer you a chance to discuss the material we are learning, ask questions, and share experiences you are having as you apply the material to your life.
Tom Kelley will facilitate these discussions with group members and organize breakout rooms where small groups can share their experiences with each other.
The discussion groups, which are optional, will be scheduled to run between an hour and an hour-and-a-half.
Dates: February 12, 2021 (In this first study group, we will identify some of the themes and challenges we will address together in the program.), February 26, March 12, March 26, April 9, April 23, May 7, May 21, June 4.
The program will take place online over Zoom. Participants will be provided a link each week for the Friday program. The modules will be video recorded and sent to all participants so that any module that is missed can be watched at your leisure. A text is also provided.
Tom Kelley has created a Facebook page to provide ongoing support, recorded modules, the latest Zoom invitation, and additional resources for the program.
Contact us, we will be happy to help you.
Tom Monte also has an intensive residential Conscious Evolution training in Orval (Belgium).