Movement Medicine and 5Rhythms workshop
What is it to be a dancer? To really dance: to feel the music and open into that amazing, vast experience of body-spirit consciousness? How do we do that, on the dancefloor and in our lives? The Way of the Dancer is an invitation to dance deep and explore movement as conscious meditation practice for our times. Dancing awakens us to the fact of being alive and helps us remember who we are and what we offer to the world.
Who is a dancer? Anybody and everybody. We all move. We all live in bodies capable of extraordinary things. Everyone is a dancer, and if we're paying attention, all of life is a dance.
“If you have a body you are a dancer.‚” ‚– Gabrielle Roth
The Way of the Dancer is an invitation to explore dance as conscious meditation practice. We will spend two days immersing in movement, learning ecstatic techniques for the dancefloor and for the everyday.
Using the core practices of 5Rhythms and Movement Medicine, we will practice fluidity, rhythm, release, freedom and presence - not as concepts but as ways to exist fully in moving body, feeling heart and spacious mind: - awake and deeply alive. We will bring our movement, breath and love to whatever is arising in the process. We will call the spirit of the dance to resource us and bless everything we are connected to.
Christian's teaching is rooted in the maps of the 5Rhythms and Movement Medicine, and influenced by animist/shamanic and Taoist teachings on movement and existence. He trained with Gabrielle Roth in 2004-05 and was invited by Ya'Acov & Susannah Darling Khan to become one of the first Pathfinder teachers of Movement Medicine in 2011.
As a DJ, he uses music to weave deep and subtle spaces for dancers to journey, connect, heal and create. He believes passionately in dance as a universally-accessible resource for our times and he welcomes all peoples to the dancefloor, whatever ability, age, ethnicity, gender, sexual preference, size, shape and style.