Route Antwerp Route other locations
Oost West Centrum / La Ferme du Bois-le-Comte, Bois-le-Comte 1, 6823 Villers-devant-Orval
For a detailed travel description, click here.
You can fly to the airport at Brussels-Zaventem, Luxembourg or Charleroi. Then take the train; there are regular connections, you always have to change in Libramont.
The cheapest way of travelling by train within Belgium may be by buying a rail pass (for sale in Belgian railway stations). However, if you come by Eurostar or TGV to Brussels, make sure your Eurostar or TGV ticket is valuable for any Belgian train station; this is much cheaper than buying a rail pass.
You can go by train up to Florenville (a small town 12 km from Bois-le-Comte). Trains are going from Brussels every two hours; taking the Brussels-Luxembourg line, changing at Libramont to the Libramont-Virton line (immediate connection) and alighting at Florenville.
There is a local bus (line 24) from Florenville to Villers-devant-Orval, the bus ride takes about a quarter of an hour. There is no bus on Saturday, Sunday and on holidays.
You can also ask a participant who is travelling by car to pick you up at the station.