A dancing exploration about love & relationships
Love is all. It breaks us open, lifts us up, brings us to our knees.
We all know it and when it’s not there, we crave for it.
Yet love has many faces. Wars have been fought in the name of love.
Our personal experiences and global stories are stored in our bodies.
Imprints in our nervous system.
This effects the way we relate to ourselves, another, or how we take action in the world.
Dance is a wonderful and fast way to integrate information about life and love. Without having to think about it, the body expresses itself, blocked energy starts to move and shift. This weekend it is up to the body to speak about fear, space, boundaries, heartbreaks and healing.
We ground, express, release, set free so there is space for compassion.
In the name of love for the dance, humanity, connection.
This weekend is rooted in the Heartbeat map of the 5Rhythms together with Somatic Experiencing. (traumahealing.org)
12 hours of dancing 5Rhythms are required.
Willemijn de Dreu will create a safe field where you can drop the mask.
She has 25 years of experience in guiding groups with 5rhythms, OpenFloor, Systemic Ritual and Body oriented trauma therapy.She has a deep love for humanity and everything that moves.
Her committment is to freedom.
Website: willemijndedreu.com
Everyone welcome!
Workshop venue: la ferme du Bois-le-Comte
La ferme du Bois-le-Comte is an eco-friendly venue for groups in the South of Belgium (close to the French border and at a 20-minute walk from the famous abbey of Orval). Superb position in the midst of nature. All meals are plant-based.