The phrase 'deep tissue work' is used in so many contexts that it's hard to know what it means anymore. To some practitioners, 'deep tissue' simply means deep pressure. To others, it has more fascial, myofascial, or structural connotations. Muscle-Specific Deep Tissue work (MSDT) still works with the fascia, and uses deep pressure when appropriate, but is more focused and precise. Like structural work, it has a strategy, but it gets there by releasing the individual muscles as well as the fascia.
Muscle-Specific Deep Tissue work not only addresses the relationship (both fascial and muscular) between the muscles, but gets to the smaller stress points that are often passed over. It's liberating and feels wonderful when everything is released and working in harmony, and creates states of ease, balance, and deep relaxation. The work also cleanses the muscles and fascia, and supports improved local circulation.
In this class, we will discuss the principles and techniques of effective Muscle-Specific Deep Tissue work. We will then focus on some MSDT techniques for the back that are different from, but complementary to what is typically taught in massage school or elsewhere. The emphasis will be on releasing and unbinding the erector spinae group, the transversospinalis group, the lumbodorsal fascia, the quadratus lumborum, and serratus posterior inferior. These are straightforward, muscle-specific techniques that will improve the precision and effectiveness of your back massage, and can be immediately applied in practice. You will also learn some simple but powerful Deep Tissue techniques to release the fascia of the trapezius, rhomboids, and levator scapulae.
The small muscles of the back (which are strong and are often quite tight) respond extremely well to Muscle-Specific Deep Tissue work; there are many muscles living alongside each other that rarely (if ever) get stretched and separated from each other. In addition, there are 50 bones (including the rib heads) and over 120 joints that benefit from having motion introduced into them once the fascial and muscular structures (both superficial and deep) of the back are unglued. We all need to have these structures balanced and 'cleaned up' from time to time, just as we periodically go to the dentist to get our teeth cleaned.
These MSDT principles and techniques will improve the precision and effectiveness of your back massage (or any massage), and can be easily integrated to your style of bodywork. Students who have taken this introductory class have reported that it helped to increase their precision, palpatory sensitivity, and effectiveness with their back massages. Their clients loved the results, feeling a newfound sense of freedom and ease in their backs.
In addition, we will focus on correct body mechanics, as well as proper use of your fingers and elbows for optimal results and to save wear and tear on joints. You will not only learn a number of useful bodywork techniques; you will also receive some valuable self-care.
"This is one of the most practical classes I've ever taken. Brian presented useful information and then taught practical application of this info. He walked us through how to find each muscle - something I have always wished other instructors would do. I left the training with expanded skills and knowledge, which I have been able to use right away with my clients." - Evelyn Bass