Vierdaagse workshop in de Ardennen
People are finding themselves increasingly stressed at work and home, especially in the past two years of COVID and recent global economic turmoil. Many individuals are struggling with lifestyle transitions; they have difficulty focusing while adjusting to rapidly changing conditions. They are dealing with uncertainty, heightened stress, and anxiety as they try to maintain meaningful employment, work-life balance, and healthy relationships. Others are finding it difficult adjusting to retirement. Faced with these issues, how can we gain a fresh perspective and step into a state of flow?
My approach as a transitions guide, combining years of experience as a life coach, mindfulness teacher, university lecturer and researcher, centers on helping people restore balance in their lives, by creating better conditions for focusing on what is essential, thus relieving stress during lifestyle transitions.
Through gentle inquiry we work together in a comfortable group setting to explore situations that invoke more awareness and meaning, to identify instances of flow in people’s lives, and reveal the deeper significance that it brings. This heartfelt approach helps ground individuals in their sense of self-worth, which in turn shifts (and lifts) their perspective in many important areas: careers, professional identity, personal relationships, health and wellbeing, spirituality, and nature appreciation.
This four-day interactive retreat in Orval provides tools to strengthen your journey towards finding your flow during challenging life transitions. We will focus on self-discovery through contemplative practices such as deep reflection, mindful dialogue, mindful movement, group discussion, artistic expression, journaling, slow eating, and outdoor exploration. La Ferme du Bois-Le-Comte is a peaceful location nestled in the woods—ideal for experiencing inner peace and gratitude for nature’s abondance.
Come prepared for a memorable, transformative experience.
Bring your favourite pen and notebook, scissors, a glue stick, a few old magazines with pictures in them, a yoga mat or thick towel, loose-fitting clothes for mindful movement, a warm coat and layered clothing for outside nature walks, and an open, inquisitive mind.
Prerequisites: a working knowledge of English (although you may speak in Dutch during the retreat when working in pairs and small groups). Anne speaks Dutch; however the retreat will be in English.
Instructor: Anne Randerson, Ph.D., has been a business coach, consultant, and trainer since 2007, and refers to herself as a transitions guide. A former university lecturer and researcher, Anne is a teacher of mindfulness, contemplative practices, qi gong, and creative writing: www.crossculturalhorizons.com
An integral part of Anne’s teaching and life philosophy: “slowing down to take the time to appreciate the little things in life. Focusing on what’s present, right now, helps foster healing and personal growth. By connecting with my inner essence, through daily meditation, nature walks, art expression, journaling, etc., I seek my internal source of energy and resilience—my flow in life. Appreciating my surroundings and a higher source of inspiration—along with people, plants, and animals—helps guide me toward my unique path as each day unfolds and I fulfil my mission on this planet. I continually strive to be happy, and humble, and share my joy of teaching with others.”
What is flow? According to Positive Psychologist Mihály Csikszentmihályi, flow is “a state of mind in which a person becomes fully immersed in an activity.” In Anne’s words: “Flow is a deep immersion into an activity or state of being that leads one to experience an extraordinary feeling of being alive—as if time has stopped or goes by unnoticed. Through this acute awareness, one’s senses are heightened, bringing intensity and purpose to what one is doing, or feeling.” Learning to appreciate and identify how to cultivate more moments of flow can help energize us, make us more self-aware, and foster more gratitude and resilience in our lives, which we need during challenging transitions.
“The conversation with Anne about flow came at a very interesting time, while in the midst of a big transition (international move). While preparing for the move and with a ton of things to do, through this conversation I was reminded of how important flow is and how everything just becomes smooth sailing for me when I find this flow. And I now know what I need to do to achieve flow.”“One thing about knowing your flow is the peace of mind that follows. It’s liberating being sure of the next step. Every setback becomes an opportunity. Every challenge something one actually looks forward to. It’s unbelievably crazy good.”
Cursuslocatie: ecologisch centrum la ferme du Bois-le-Comte 
La ferme du Bois-le-Comte is een ecologisch cursuscentrum vlak bij de abdij van Orval (Ardennen, zuidoost België, tegen de Franse grens). Unieke ligging midden in de natuur. De keuken is vegetarisch en voor wie wil volledig vegan.
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